TH·FM's Inaugural Season Concert Program
TH.FM presents The New American Sinfonietta, with Michael Palmer, conductor. Performing in the unique and intimate performance space of LTV Studios (Wainscott, NY), the inaugural season program will provide audiences with unforgettable experiences of live performances of some of the greatest classical masterworks.

Opening Concert:
The Complete Bach Brandenburg Concertos
The opening night of The Hamptons Festival of Music will feature ALL Six (6) of J.S.Bach's Brandenburg Concertos...in ONE evening! Each of the 6 Brandenburg concertos will highlight musicians from The New American Sinfoinetta, TH·FM's resident orchestra, with Michael Palmer, conductor. The concert includes an intermission.
Festival Finale Concert:
Featuring Pepe Romero, guitar
Our special guest artist, Pepe Romero will be performing Rodrigo's iconic, Concierto de Aranjuez.

Festival Finale Concert:
Beethoven's 7th Symphony
We will close the 2022 Festival Season with Beethoven's monumental 7th Symphony! All concerts will feature The New American Sinfonietta, TH·FM's resident orchestra, with Michael Palmer, conductor.
Pepe Romero in Recital
A private, intimate concert featuing Pepe Romero, world reknowned classical guitarist, in recital with guest artist, Maria Valdes, soporano.