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On Sale Now
VIP All-Festival Passes & Single Tickets
Now available for purchase - Click THFM
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The Complete Bach Brandenburgs
​Fri. 9 Sept | 7:30-930 PM
Pepe Romero - In Recital​ *Exclusive for VIP Pass Holders*
Sat. 10 Sept | 7:30-930 PM
Festival Concert Finale - Featuring Rodrigo's Aranjuez, Pepe Romero, guitar & Beethoven's 7th Symphony
Sun. 11 Sept | 4:00-6:00 PM
All Performances at LTV Studio 3, Wainscott, NY
*Note: All passes & tickets are charitable contributions & will receive a tax-deduction.

One of the core missions for TH·FM is to enhance the quality of community cultural life by supporting the experience of live performances of the great classical music masterworks, to cultivate a broader range of audiences and supporters for this art form. TH·FM is honored to collaborate with Daniel’s Music Foundation (danielsmusic.org) to develop accessibility programs that help raise community awareness of music therapy. Read our latest Press Release for more details. Collaborations will begin following the inaugural season of TH·FM concerts...so stay tuned!
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